
There are a number of steps before your company can use Salesforce integration.
This page lists what you need to do before you can begin using Sansan–Salesforce integration. Links to each essential step are given.



1. Application for Sansan–Salesforce integration

2. Implementation

  1. Install “Sansan CI” Package
    (You need to log in to Salesforce to perform these steps)
  2. Authenticating with Salesforce, Mapping Sansan and Salesforce Accounts


3. Initial settings

  1. Displaying Tabs for Business Card and Business Card Settings in Salesforce
  2. Displaying a Business Card Linked with a Contact or Lead
  3. Recommended Setting for Business Card Settings Object (Manual Link)
  4. Recommended Setting for Business Card Settings Object (Link Setting) 
  5. Permissions for Using Business Card Object 
  6. Adding a Link in Salesforce to Sansan Person or Company Information
  7. Display Salesforce opportunity information on Sansan company information


4. Usage

  1. Manually link Business Card Information to Contact

