Once you've installed the managed package on AppExchange, you can use the Cards and Card Settings objects.

This section shows the process of manually link business cards with Contacts.

*Note that this page explains Salesforce settings. You'll need to log in to Salesforce with administrator permissions.


From the business card object, select the person to link

1. Open the business card object
After logging in to Salesforce with administrator permissions, click "Cards" from the tab.

2. Select "02 My unlinked cards" from the list view.
From the list view, you can see which cards are not linked yet.

3. Click the business card you want to link.


Select a Contact for Link

If the company or person on the business card has already been registered as Account/Contact, this will be displayed in the ”Links” list as a blue link.

Posting Setting Screen

The following actions can be performed from this screen:

1) Link to the existing Contact.
2) Create a new Contact under an existing Account.
3) Create new Account and Contact.
4) Create  new Lead.


Confirming the Link Details

From the screen, you can confirm the current value of the field, and the value which will be updated.

Check the items to be overwritten and updated while comparing the information on the business card with the current values already registered

Check the contents and click the "Save" button at the top or bottom of the screen.


Batch Link for Multiple Business Cards

From the below steps, you can link multiple business cards in bulk:

1. Select “My unlinked cards” from the List View. Then click the checkbox to the top left of the business card names to select all.


2. Click "Batch link/create" on the right of the screen.

*If you don't see this option, click the ▼ to display it.


3. A list of linked cards will be shown under ”Unlinked cards”. If there is an existing Contact or Account, it will be displayed at the top of the list.

*【C】indicates a contact and【L】indicate a lead.


4. Save when you're finished.


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