
Once you've installed the managed package found on AppExchange, you can use the "Cards" and "Card Settings" object.

Business card registered in Sansan is automatically transferred to Cards object. To link this information with a Salesforce Account/Contact/Lead, you'll need the following settings.

The recommended settings are as follows.

*Note that this page explains Salesforce settings. You'll need to log in as a Salesforce administrator.


Open the Business Card Settings Object

After logging in as an administrator, click on the "Business Card Settings" tab.

If you cannot see the "Card Settings" tab, please refer to this help page.


Automatic Link Settings

1. Click "Card Settings" tab.

2. Click "Automatic Link Settings" tab.


Enable or Disable a Feature

Automatic association is processed in order from the top, and will stop the process if it meets the condition.


Recommended setting 1: If you are not using Lead and want to create/update record to Account/Contact only

Please check "Enable automatic linking of cards with contacts/accounts" and set the option as below.

Saving this setting makes automatic association work as follows.

  • If there were existing Contact and Account
    The corresponding company and person's information will be updated.
  • If the person on the business card doesn't exist as Contact, but the company exist as an Account
    A new Contact will be created under an Account.
  • If neither the person nor the company on the business card doesn't exist as an Account or Contact
    A new Account and Contact will be created.


Recommended setting 2: If you are using Lead and want to create/update record to Account/Contact/Lead

Put a check by "Enable automatic linking of cards with contacts/accounts" and “Enable automatic linking with leads” and set the screen as follows.

Saving this setting makes automatic association work as follows.

  • If there were existing Contact and Account
    The corresponding company and person's information will be updated.
  • If the person on the business card doesn't exist as Contact, but the company exist as an Account
    A new Contact will be created under an Account.
  • If the company doesn't exist as a Contact, but is in a Lead
    The corresponding person in Lead will be updated.
  • If the person doesn't exist as a Lead
    A new Lead will be created.

Automatic linking settings

Here is how to set the starting time for automatic association.


Recommended setting (default)

Automatic association batch start time (hourly) (0 minutes)

The automatic association process starts once an hour.
You'll need to specify when it should start.

If you set "0 minutes", the process starts at the top of the hour (e.g., 10:00, 11:00).

Click "Save" after completing the above settings.


Note 1. SOC and CI person IDs are assigned when transferring business card data. In rare cases the process may take several hours. For business cards that for some reason have not been associated, a retry will be made 30 minutes after the hourly start time.
Note 2. With AppExchange package v1.13–1.17, the above processing can be set to take place at startup in addition to an hourly start.
Note 3. A maximum of 20,000 card sides can be processed at one time.

Q&A on Automatic Link

Q. What information is used for judging if there is existing record?

A. Companies are decided based on SOC, while people are decided based on the CI person ID.


Q. What happens with automatic association when there is a difference in address or department but the same company is registered multiple times in an account, or when the same person is registered multiple times with a contact?

A. Automatic association will work as follows.

  • If there are multiple Accounts of the same company
    The business card will not be linked automatically.
  • If there are multiple Account of the same company, but only one Contact
    The business card is associated with the contact and updated.
  • If there are multiple Contact
    The business card will not be linked automatically.


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