We are reducing the number of custom fields in Sansan_CI, offered on Salesforce AppExchange. If you are using this package, please follow the procedures below for deletion of fields.

*Custom Field labels are provided in Japanese only. Please note that it is written in Japanese.


 Fields to delete

Confirm fields to delete here.


Work Flow

Step 1

  1. Change the lead custom field mapping destination at the start of an opportunity (for all users)
  2. If your Salesforce organization has customizations that use fields to be deleted, change to use of alternative items (target users only)
    1. Check for any customizations concerning fields to be deleted (e.g., page layout).
    2. Check when integrated with an external system
  3. Change duplicate report settings (target users only).


Step 2

* Applies for version 1.16 or later. For 1.15 or earlier, please use the contact form to ask us for details.
* You can check which version you're using from here.

  1. Update to version 1.25 via AppExchange (for all users)
  2. Click the "Transfer data" button (only for those with this button on the "名刺設定" object).
  3. Resume site transfer (only for those using site transfer).
  4. Change the confirmation method of "拠点移動エラーメッセージ" (only for those using site transfer).
  5. Change connection method to Sansan (for all users)
  6. Update to latest version via AppExchange (for all users)
  7. Delete unnecessary custom fields (optional)


Items to implement in Step 1

1. Change the Lead custom field mapping destination at the start of an opportunity (required for all users)

1. From the "名刺設定" object, click “Change settings” in the settings at the start of lead conversion.


2.Go to the Accounts tab.


Match with the contents of the table below.
*Changed items are shown in red.

Lead Fields Account Fields
CI人物ID None
CI人物ID(システム) None
Sansan人物ID None
Sansan会社ID None
Sansan会社ID(システム) Sansan会社ID(システム)
Sansan人物情報 None
Sansan会社情報 None
SOC None
SOC(システム) SOC(システム)


3. Go to the Contacts tab.


Match with the contents of the table below.
*Changed items are shown in red.

Lead Fields Contact Fields
CI人物ID None
CI人物ID(システム) CI人物ID(システム)
Sansan人物ID Sansan人物ID(システム)
Sansan会社ID None
Sansan会社ID(システム) Sansan会社ID(システム)
Sansan人物情報 None
Sansan会社情報 None
SOC None
SOC(システム) SOC(システム)


4. After completing the settings for Accounts and Contacts, click "Save" at the bottom right.


2. Changes concerning customization fields to be deleted (target users only)

Delete the fields and change the settings if either of the following apply:
Confirm fields to delete here.

  1.  Confirm customization involving fields to be deleted (e.g., page layout, search conditions).
  2.  Have integration with external system using fields to be deleted.


3. Changing duplicate report settings (target users only)

Perform these steps if the following both apply.

  • Using a duplicate report.
  • Not using "SOC(システム)" or "CI 人物 ID(システム)" in the matching rules of the existing duplicate report. (If you don't know your settings, check the screen below.)

Click here for the procedure for duplicate report setup.

Items to implement in Step 2

1. Upgrade to version 1.25 via AppExchange (for all users)

■ For product environment

■ For Sandbox environment

2. Click the "Transfer data" button (only for those with this button on the "名刺設定" object).

During data transfer, contacts will be automatically linked.


3. Resume site transfer (only for those using site transfer).

After the data has been transferred, click the "取引先責任者を所属拠点の取引先に移動する" checkbox on the site transfer page.


You won't be able to click on it when data is being transferred.


4. Change the confirmation method of site transfer error message. (only for those using site transfer).

Until now we displayed site transfer errors in the Contact page, but after you've upgraded, you won't be able to view them there anymore.

After the upgrade, please use the following steps to check errors from "Related Lists". Please follow the following steps.

1. From "Object Manager" click "Contact" and click "Page Layouts", and add "取引先責任者追加情報" in "Related Lists". 

2. Click the wrench icon and add "拠点移動エラーメッセージ" to Selected Fields.


3. Open "Buttons" section and deselect "New" and "Change Owner". Then, click OK. 


5. Change connection method to Sansan (for all users)

As we are reducing the number of custom fields, the way to link to Sansan will change.

Please follow the following steps.

1. From the "Object Manager", click "Page Layouts". (Example below screenshot is for a Contact).

2. Drag and drop "Section" and choose a name of your choice. Then, select column 1 and click OK.


3. Drag and drop "BizCard_LinkTo_Sansan_Contact" in the section you made in step 2, then save.


4. Set the same for other objects ("Account", Lead) as well. For step 3.

If they're a "Account" set the object name as "BizCard_LinkTo_Sansan_Account", and if they're a "Lead" set the object name as "BizCard_LinkTo_Sansan_Lead".


The link to Sansan will only change for the mobile app.

The link to Sansan will only change for the mobile app. Until now, if you clicked on "Sansan会社詳細" "Sansan人物詳細" displayed below.


 After it would take you to Sansan. From this upgrade, it will take you to the below screen.


6. Update to lates version via AppExchange (for all users)

Click here and Install the package in Salesforce

- If the update fails, please ensure that you have successfully completed 1 and 2 above.

7. Delete unnecessary custom fields (optional)

You can delete any unnecessary custom fields, now that you've updated to latest version. See here to check what will be deleted.

Please note that even if you do not do this step, the connection will work normally.

To delete a field, select the object from the "Object Manager" and delete the field from "Fields & Relationships". 

Related page



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